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Excursion of Sunday school students at St. Nicholas Cathedral

30 march, 2023

Yesterday, students of the Sunday school at St. Nicholas Cathedral visited the company with an introductory tour. A group of 9 people of different ages gathered, but despite this, it was interesting for all the children to see with their own eyes where the devices are produced and how they work, which can often be seen in everyday life. The guys were introduced to the production of the main products, conducted through the workshops, and the heads of departments told what the metering devices consist of and showed the stages of production. The children also visited the showroom, where they got acquainted with the history of the company and the prospects for its further development, innovations in production and technical equipment. After that, the guys were given forms where they were asked to write a review about the tour. Already at home, in a calm atmosphere, they will describe all their emotions from what they saw. We hope that such events will be held as often as possible, and children will be happy to attend excursions and learn a lot of new and interesting things.